Ricky Dukes

The Spanish Tragedy
Lazarus Theatre productions never fail to grab you from the moment you enter the theatre. You step through into a world of mayhem as if stepping through an invisible membrane that divides you from where you've come. At the Blue Elephant Theatre.

King Lear
Magnificent from the outset: I was gripped viscerally and imaginatively from the moment the thunderous music catapulted Lear’s savage kingdom onto the stage.

Dido, Queen of Carthage
There’s something quite brilliant about the way Ricky Duke deals with the realisation of poetic language in Dido Queen of Carthage. For me, he seems to work with the metaphors that characterise mythical places and peoples with a boldness of approach that is quite breathtaking.

Oedipus – After Sophocles
The choice to stage Oedipus seems obvious… it’s a great play. Ricky Duke’s carefully choreographed and nuanced realisation of the play enlivens a sense of the heroic. He does this by setting Oedipus on his calamitous path in a political maelstrom.